dianoir® G4, deposited with a temperature ≥200ºC is perfect for coating complex shapes; thanks to the combination of two technologies, the Argor-Aljba technicians, have obtained a very compact coating with a remarkable resistance to the abrasion. dianoir® G4 is resistant to acid and alkaline chemicals and solvents and is hypoallergenic.

dianoir® G4



Process Multilayer DLC
Tecnology a-C + PACVD 
Structure amorphous/crystalline
Sp3 content [%] 40-60
Colour deep black
Thickness 2-3 µm
Deposition temperature [°C] <190
Hardness [GPa] 8-15
Hardness HV 0.05 800-1500



Generic remark: all data are approximate values. These ranges, depending on geometry, substrate, and surface finish, could also vary significantly.

The values shown refer to measurements made on samples in INOX 316.


dianoir®G4, specially indicated for watch and fashion components, has the following advantages:
excellent adhesion on brass, stainless steel and titanium alloys components
- extremely compact coating layer and homogeneous black color
decorative and functional coating with remarkable resistance against abrasion and scratches
- non-toxic process and biological compatibility are optimal properties for the use of dianoir®G4 in contact with the human skin
- ideal for all watches and fashion components that will benefit from an improvement in their tribological and decorative properties